Chasing Christmas Eve

Meet cute Run for the hills--teht&39;s plan when she flees New York for San Francisco Wrangling her crazy faht has taken its toll In short, Colbie&39;s so over it that she&39;s under it She&39;s also under the waters of a historic San Francisco fountain within an hour of arrival Fortunately, the guy who fishes Colbie out has her looking forward to Christers But she&39;s pretty sure Spencer Baldon&39;t be a stranger for long Makefrom the Ghosts of Relationships Past means he doesn&39;t have to worry about the powerful--okay, crazy hot cheh at anything, especially herself just because she&39;s gorgeous and a great listener just because she gets Spence immediately doesn&39;t o Does it? and hope for afor Colbie and Spence: Teeks to cut loose Teeks to fall hard Teeks to figure out how to make this Christmas last a lifetime