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Trudy loved Spence Trudy also knew Spence didn’t cook--unless popping a Hot Pocket into the microwave counted--and she knew his tastes He wasn’t fond of vegetables aside froummy bear, and basically had the appetite of a tween
"My point," Spence said, watching Caleb shopping his fridge shelves, "is that you’re not being hounded by the press"
Caleb shrugged "Yeah, well, I wasn’t stupid enough to talk to theround or fumble the ball with the ladies"
Spence scowled and slouched further in his chair "I thought I was doing a friend a favor"
Caleb pulled out some Tupperware, and when he na "Oh uy said "I want to marry Trudy"
"She’s twenty years too old for you and she’s currently married for the third, or maybe it’s the fourth, time--to her ex-husband Luis would kick your ass"
"I don’t even care" Caleb was eating right out of the container "And we have no friends to do favors for, remember? Not real ones, you know that Or you should by now"
"I have friends"
"Yeah Me, and Archer and Finn and Willa" Caleb cocked his head and gave it soh I’m still not convinced she’s hued "But you guys are all I need"
Caleb jabbed his fork in Spence’s direction "If that was true, you wouldn’t bearound like you have since you sold your start-up Or na sounded good, Spence snatched the Tupperware fro its e to see what else he could mooch "I take it you’re suddenly blocked on your drone project?"
"So you’re blocked It happens"
"When? When does it happen?" Spence asked "Because more than anyone else I know, you’re a lot like me and you’re not blocked"
"First of all, we’re not that much alike"
Spence just looked at him
"Okay, so we’re both smart and a little bit techy Whatever But on me, it’s sexier"
Spence rolled his eyes
"And second of all," Caleb said, "I don’t get blocked as ularly Sex is the answer, ," Caleb said "Sex is always the answer And I’"
All true, but he’d never been all that good at emotionless, unattached sex Unfortunately, he was even worse at eage Spence was pretty sure the rugged cowboy look didn’t hurt uy was every bit as sle in social situations He could talk to a five-year-old throwing a tantrueriatric blue-hairs who spent their s in the coffee shop, or anyone in between and they all unequivocally loved him
Caleb’s phone buzzed He pulled it out and frowned
"What?" Spence asked
"It’s Elle Which isn’t fair She told me to lose her number and yet she’s allowed to contact me--" He broke off as he read the text
Caleb lifted his head "There’s a woman? Why didn’t you say so? Now you can testyou"
"What are you talking about?"
"Elle said there’s a neo to be stupid about her and go for it, so I should babysit you so that you can’t," Caleb said "Except I’ for it" He deleted Elle’s text "Whoops" He looked at Spence "So Is she hot?"