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"Tall order," Finn said and pulled out his vibrating phone to read a text "Huh," he said and gave Spence a funny look "So, uh, there’s a 9–1–1"

Spence shook his head "Let uess Elle"

Finn nodded "Wants e at that and failed, but Spence just laughed

"Tell her she needs to get a grip," he said

"Do I look crazy?" Finn asked and slid his phone into his pocket "Besides, we both know she’s paranoid for you for good reason after all that media crap"

Spence lifted a shoulder but didn’t co up," Finn said and vanished into the back

Colbie looked at Spence "Are you sure you’re not in a relationship with Elle?"

"No, I’uy through the back doors playing pool like he was born to it?"

Colbie turned and looked Theup his shot washoly moly hot

"That’s Archer Hunt," Spence said "Elle’s his But more importantly, he’s 100 percent all hers They’re both crazy, but they ain eyed her elbow "Still swelling" He gently probed at it

"It’s not broken," she said

"How do you know?"

It was e, so she pulled away just as Finn caht the the raw rice "Put your phone in here," he said "Ziplock it The rice will draw the moisture out of your phone and, with any luck, it’ll still work a few hours from now"

Colbie had heard of the trick but she still hesitated

Spence aze, his eyes warm but curious "Problem?"

"Would you think I was an awful person if I secretly hope h that told her more than words could how very uy who earlier today threw his phone out the ," he said

"Sowe both fantasize about going phoneless?"

His ss as well, and her body did that inner quiver thing again She slipped her phone inside the baggie and then dropped it all back into her purse

"Next," Spence said and pressed the ice bag to her elbow

Finn cas and deep-fried zucchini Colbie eyed the platter and then Spence’s extreed "That’s what the gym’s for"

Colbie couldn’t even look at a French fry without gaining weight, but her sto her she hadn’t eaten since the sad pack of three whole peanuts on the plane

They dove into the food and she asked one of the questions that were killing her "Tell , isn’t it?" He s was built around it back in the mid-1800s, when Cow Holloas still actually filled with cows"

"Wow Really?" Hard to i but the incredibly hilly, unique, busy but somehow also laid-back, quirky city it seeest ranching families in the state at the tiend come into play?" she asked "The one where if you wish for true love, you’ll find it"

He looked both pained and aot lucky Most of the businesses in the building perpetuate the legend because it s in foot traffic"

"But you don’t believe," she said

Finn was back, refilling their drinks, and spoke for Spence "It’s rinned when Spence shot him a dry look