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"Doctor Synder and I talked about all this," I said "She tried to assure me someone could still lovecheery a therapist has to say, especially since she was also a paraplegic She wanted to believe it as much or even more than I did
"I was suspicious about you too," I said "about all the nice things you've been saying to me"
"You mean you're not anymore?"
"I don't know Still, it's pretty crazy for you to co back in here"
"And risk
"You sure you want to?" I asked, lifting my head from his chest
"There's only one way to answer:' he replied and kissed me, this time harder Then he lowered my head to the pillow and sat up so he could take off his clothes
It was like watching it all in a drea Perhaps I had died in the lake and all this ishful thinking in the afterlife My heart wasn't just pounding It was ha blood tolove, but of not being able to, of not being capable of returning his love and affection
There were sothis than there e should Why was it that more often than not the men in my life were forbidden for one reason or another?
When he was naked, he liftedit up Then he waited for me to raise my arms
"Don't be afraid," he said
Of course he would understand ht Who better?
I raised ht his body to mine and kissed me and held me He took such special care with each caress, each kiss I felt ere ether The hands of the clock struggled and strained toand all the warers and beneath every place that his body touched otten, now traveling back over vast chased with expectations and promise
Can I do this? Can I be a worow hot with anticipation and pleasure? Would we turn our separate selves into so creatures of ecstasy? Or would I fumble and moan, be clumsy and aard and as unsatisfactory to hi to s?
My naht his mouth to them, my head fell back on the pillow I closed my eyes so I could feel myself drift deeper and deeper into the war skin