Page 93 (1/2)
She stood there, her eyes narrowing as she gazed at me and then at him
"Thank you, Mrs Bogart," I said to put a period to her suspicions
She nodded
"I'll be nearby if you need me," she said and left
Moments later Austin stepped out of the bathroom We just stared at each other
"Tired?" he finally asked
"More like numb"
He smiled
"Would you like me to help you into bed?"
"Yes," I said even though both of us knew I could do it without him
He tookme at the waist His face was close tomy cheek His breath felt so warm and sweet, As I hs and helped raiseup at him
"You're beautiful, Rain," he said "Even when I' with you I don't think of you as handicapped or injured That's never happened to ain think you're not worth the effort"
He leaned over and kissedmy hand as he did so
He straightened up and backed away, but I held onto him "Don't leave" I whispered
His eyes widened and he gazed at the doorway