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He had an overpowering urge to tell her she was lithe and lovely and that he harbored feelings of deep affection for her, but he couldn't bring himself to sound like a lovesick adolescent True to forht side

"Why? Because Adave me ten days off, and I hate to sit around and not be productive"

A sainst her "That's not even a good lie"

"Why is it," he said just before he kissed her, "that woh me?"


January 30, 2000

Gladiator Island, Tasman Sea

The Dorsett manor house sat in the saddle of the island, between the two doroon, which had beco activities Two mines in both volcanic chutes had been in continuous operation alland after their an then, but those who knew better held that the empire was truly launched by Betsy Fletcher when she found the unusual stones and gave them to her children to play with

The original dwelling, s, with a palm frond or palapa roof, was torn down by Anson Dorsett It was he who designed and built the large enerations until eventually taken over by Arthur Dorsett The style was based on the classical layout-a central courtyard surrounded by verandas frolish colonial antiques The only visiblefro pool in the center courtyard

Arthur Dorsett hung up the phone, stepped out of his office-study and walked over to the pool where Deirdre was languidly stretched on a lounge chair, in a string bikini, carefully absorbing the tropical sun into her smooth skin

"You'd better not let ruffly

She slowly raised her head and looked down over a sea of skin "I see no problem I have my bra on"

"And women wonder why they're raped"

"Surely you don't want ly

"I have just gotten off the phone with Washington," he said heavily "It seems your sister has vanished"