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Maeve would never co To her, he didn't seem human
He certainly was unlike any man she'd ever known "I'm so lost and afraid I've never been more helpless in my life"
He rose from the couch and came back with a box of tissues "Sorry I can't offer you a handkerchief, but I don't carry them much anymore"
"You don'tyou?"
Pitt smiled as Maeve wiped her eyes and blew her nose with a loud snort "The truth is, I had ulterior motives"
Her eyes widened questioningly "You don't want to go to bed with me?"
"I'd turn in my testosterone card if I didn't But that's not entirely why I brought you here"
"I don't understand"
"I need your help in consolidating my plans"
"Plans for what?"
He looked at her as if he was surprised she asked "To sneak onto Gladiator Island, of course, snatch your boys and etaway"
Maeve estures of incoasped
"You'd risk your life for me?"
"And your sons," Pitt added firmly
"But why?"