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“Godlike,” he said proudly

“Then three miles shouldn’t be much of a problem”



It really was aand full and without even a bad side to it It was also taller than any tree I’d ever had growing up, but then again we’d never had twenty-foot ceilings


It had taken us the better part of theout The snoas at least three feet deep, five at the drifts — and this even after the driveway had been plowed Luckily it was still light and fluffy, and not the soggy, water-logged snow that always seeh a ton

Even running two shovels non-stop, and trading off whenever soot tired, it wasn’t until sometime after noon that we actually reached the main road And the road itself sucked

“Push… no, no, on this side,” said Brody “There you go Hold it right there Don’t let it tilt”

Still, all the shoveling was great exercise I’d been a little panicked at the prospect ofa feorkouts, and secretly even ot back to the City

No more Crunch Time…

I’d left gy better already lined up, and after having inforyht with me; a free month to enjoy the facilities, on the hope that they’ll switch over

Only right now I had no hoym I had no plan…

“There, twist it tight Both sides But don’t let go yet”

I waited until the tree was fully screwed into its stand Then we all let go at once — tentatively at first — before taking a few steps back to admire it