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Our host shot est lover the dirtiest of looks “A fake Christht as well install the Yule Log app on your phone and we could sit around watching it, rather than light the fireplace”

Scraping the last egg off his plate with a fork, Donovan laughed “I don’t think that’s quite the sa, bro”


It was truly hilarious, the breakfast conversation so far We’d debated the power of vampires vs olves, whether or not Tom Cruise actually found (and refuses to disclose the location of) the fountain of youth, and which was ued over best pizza toppings, bottled water vs

tap water, and which of the Rocky reed upon unanimously: Rocky IV

“So if you don’t have a tree, let’s go out and get one,” Brody was saying

Lincoln walked over to theand yanked the curtains back “See that?”

“No,” said Brody

“Exactly And that’s because it’s whiteout conditions out there Usually the view froain “I can’t even see past all the snow caked on the glass”

Donovan nodded and poured another e all day and into the night We couldn’t get out if anted to, even if we had three shovels”

Lincoln was still staring out theHis expression was alo of the curtain and turned back to face us

“I have two shovels”

Brody smiled optimistically He’d sleptfrom his body, like an electric aura

“Nothing’s gonna be open,” said Donovan “Trustto be the worst storm in—”

“You wanna try to shovel out anyway?”