Page 73 (1/2)

“So unfortunately you have a proble problem And here it is”

I slid the open folder across the table, to where Lincoln was still chopping into his oh to pick up the cash flow statehts all over them

“The yellow highlighted areas are operating activities The green ones are for investments”

Lincoln squinted through his glasses, looking so handsoht in my blood Adrenaline fro through my veins

“So what’s the problem?” he asked

“The investments,” I replied “The charities specifically Look at how many there are”

Besidehis coffee I was hyper-aware of his hand on h But I had to stay focused

Lincoln shrugged “We give to a lot of charities,” he said “Sometimes we have to dump money for tax purposes We need the write-offs We need the—”

“I’rinned “I understand all that But shit, Lincoln, all these charities? You need some outside business write-offs, too”

“Like what?”

“Buy so small and self-sufficient, without a lot of overhead or eed “Open a coin-operated laundromat Or one of those self-serve car washes Hell, open three of them The write-offs will help balance you out come tax time”

He stroked his chin and nodded slowly, really considering ood Especially from someone so successful, when it came to business

“Alright, forget all that for the ti,” I went on “But now here, look at this”

I pulled out a second folder and pushed it his way He squinted even harder, adjusting his glasses

Next tilasses, the little voice in my head demanded In the interest of zero distractions, I pushed the voice away