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I shook my head “Milk for density is a rookie mistake”

“And I likea beat “And if you’re up forhash browns, I—”

Holly elbowed him silent and slid the coffee pot his way She looked adorable, even bedraggled She had that sexy, sotten about twice as ained for, and then some

I still can’t believe you’re doing this

Ah, the voice of reason The voice of ‘sanity’ It was a voice I’d told to fuck off several times over the past teeks, and so far the results had been… interesting

Is that really the word for it?

No, actually The eso Holly onher with soly, unspeakably hot

The voyeuristic side of me was more than satiated, as I kneould be But asit fro responsible for Holly’s pleasure, knowing I had soht, writhing in her restraints… responding to our every touch…

My God

It was truly astonishing, just howinto her apart her totally by surprise Watching her nificent body stiffen from head to toe, as I slid myself all the way inside her…

It really was a like a dreatier existed that in actual practice it wouldn’t live up to ination

Yet the ht, the more I came to realize it wasn’t even the least bit aard Brody had been surprisingly cool Holly had been unbelievably receptive And fucking her fro her so fully and completely as she moaned and whimpered between us?

Holy fucking shit

My favorite part had been the exactinto Holly’s eyes Watching them try to adjust before she finally sawwith lust…

But can you really do this? As in relationship do this?