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A knot forht about it often Fantasized about it, to be more accurate Hell, I’d even picked out a few outfits…

I was sitting in the coffee shop across fro when I felt the tap on my shoulder It snapped me out of my daydream Caused me turn and look over my shoulder… while Malcolm circled around the other side and slipped into the empty chair across from me

“Hey,” he grinned, trying to sound casual “I thought you said you didn’t want coffee?”

My face istered my extreme disappointment, because his smile faded almost instantly

“No, I said I didn’t want to get coffee with you”

Aard silence followed Aard for him, anyway

“Oh,” he said “I just… I thought, you know, I saw you sitting here drinking coffee, and I figured—”

“What is it you want, Malcolm?”

Oddly enough, he looked entirely different than he had only a feeeks ago He’d lost weight, and on Malcol He seeety And there were dark circles under his eyes — circles I knew he got whenever he s there too

That’s new, I thought to myself absently

“Well first I wanted to say I’an, “about hoe broke up About how quickly I ell, how fast I illing to just let it all go”

I nodded, looking bored Hell, I was bored

“That’s it? You’re sorry”
