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“Screw that,” I told hi with me until you can fix all of this”

He smiled wanly, but still looked sad “I don’t have the hed “And I can’t flip this one over I checked”

“We’ll figure it out,” I told hiht Sayid?”

Standing in the doorway, probably not sure if he should go or not, Sayid returned a weak but friendly smile “Of course ill Don’t sweat it, bro”

Brody stared at his roorinned “Oh, Sayid?” He let out a short laugh that cairlfriend Holly”

Girlfriend… The word surprised me, but not in an unpleasant way

“Holly, meet Sayid”



The next few days were a ind of getting shit done

At the office I kicked unholy a every last report and su holiday weekend I dotted every ‘i’ and crossed every ‘t’, before cleaning and straightening my desk in preparation for w

hat pro new year

I was just about ready for lunch when a text popped up on es had been theones of roup text we’d started, between Lincoln, Donovan, Brody, and I

My smile faded quickly however, as I realized this one was from Malcolm:
