Page 56 (1/2)

Brody entered the room somewhere behind me… and halted dead in his tracks I only knew this because I heard his feet stop

“Oh, hey,” he said aardly

His voice was thick, heavy Like he was trying to talk, but also trying to concentrate on so else too

“I uh… I guess I’ll leave you two to the rest of your date…”

My head was still h My pulse was racing

“Or…” Donovan began casually, “you could stay”

It was as if ht explode


Silence reigned For three or four agonizing seconds, no one said anything

“Yeah?” asked Brody

“Yeah,” Donovan replied with a fiendish grin “You should definitely stay” He leaned forith one long arht Holly?”

I was frozen onto the other Very slowly I popped Donovan fro my eyes settle on Brody’s

“Yes,” I s my ass at him “You should stay”
