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“The Notebook”

The guys both rolled their eyes in tande way”

Try as I

“Okay, okay, I’” I flipped Donovan the re”

Donovan’s eyes lit up? “Really? So I can pick Predator?”

Brody ju in Jocelyn’s usual spot “Ohhh…” he sighed happily “I could totally go for some Predator!”

It wasmy mistaken text to Brody, because that happy little accident had resulted in a really fun night

In the end we settled on Die Hard, which the guys argued technically was a Christmas movie Nestled comfortably on the couch between them in my favorite sweat-shorts, I quickly found that I didn’t care I was happy just to be with the es of our imperfect little perfect date

One of thehts low Donovan fixed us some drinks while Iahile Donovan went over the laundry list of synthetic che into our bodies

It could’ve been theblanket I’d pulled over us — maybe a combination of all three Soon however, an stretching out, laying roaning with pleasure as he began rubbing h my fuzzy socks

At soht back, when Brody announced he had to use the bathroom

I felt a gentle hand beneath— an entire night’s worth of buildup — had led to this one, singular moment

Holy shit…

His kiss was rough and strong Soulfully delicious I found rind ainst his hard chest We were already only half-clothed We’d stripped off most of our stuff e came in from the rain

“I need you”