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“Are you going to fuck me?” she asked innocently Her hair had parted a little, and I could see one turquoise eye

“In a minute, yeah,” I smirked back “I just… you’re just so…”

She arched an eyebrow

“Wow…” I breathed



It took another half-

his expression, enjoying the dreaainst his perfect, washboard stoh thethis with hiined it would start with a one-stroke timeout

I guess I should be flattered

Donovan’s hands flexed as he regained control His fingers dug in, di the supple flesh as his hands slid down tooosebumps spread over my entire body


Two strokes turned into three, then three dozen We were screwing, now Actually doing it Our relationship up until this point had been friendly but professional But no there was no going back

Thank God!

I wanted to bury my face in the couch Just squintso filled by hi back over my shoulder I needed the visual — needed to see every ripple of his flawless sto hiain
