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Eddie would kill you

Yes, but Eddie wasn’t here And Eddie would killher way It was all hypocritical of course: Eddie would date just about anyone at the gyht now, he’d only hate me more than he already does

Oh… oh man

Blinking drea manhood It jumped electrically as she wrapped one little hand around the base Her lips parted and her mouth ide

My eyes screwed shut as she took me in

Oh fuck…

It was like reaching nirvana Holly’sood half minute Just concentrated on the exquisite feel of her lips dragging tightly up and down the full length of my smooth erection

Then I openedup at me


There was an instant connection between us — one that superseded our sex act It was an understanding, aeach other for an entire year before doing this, even though we’d never gone out until tonight

My hands dropped to her head, sifting through soft layers of fragrant hair I guided her up and down onhow beautiful she was How perfect she looked on her knees, blowing reen eyes filled with abject lust It felt unbelievable Like a long-awaited dream, finally realized

But it was her body I wanted most

“Get up here”

Holly suckedo on, she would’ve It would’ve been easy to just let go, right in her sweet little mouth
