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Donovan’s nose brushed ain — but ther

e were just too many people, too much around

“I’ll work you out,” he purred seductively The way he phrased it left very little to the iination “All you have to do is say the word”

The waiter dropped our check on the table without asking He’d asked three ti too much fun

“Word,” I said, without even blinking



The cab ride to le of arues — as we made out frantically in the short, six-minute trip

Once inside I sla us from the millions of people below It was finally just she and I Me and the beautiful brunette I’d been training off and on for the better part of the last year, waiting and hoping and praying for her to be single

The best part was she didn’t even know it

Holly kisseddown my neck as she pulled clumsily at the buttons of et undressed as quickly as possible so I could help her get undressed, but so in the back of my mind told me to savor the moment


I had to slon Willed— too overwhel — to finally have arrived at this point To not only have Holly here, in my shitty little apartment, but to have landed this beautiful woreatest dates of my life

“God, you smell incredible,” she mumbled into my neck

I reached doith both hands, cupping her ass Finally gettingflesh I’d watched and ogled and fantasized about for so long Howher flat on her belly just so I could watch her ass?