Page 22 (1/2)

Donovan slid one corded arht, I promptly told cautious Holly to fuck off

Eventually andering through Soho, into a part of the lower City I didn’t really know Everything was decked out for the holidays I saw reds and greens and golds — twinkling Christs Garland draped oversills and doorways

“We’re here,” said Donovan

I looked up, and ere standing beneath a pretty orange awning Through the s before us I could see a beautiful array of cookies, cakes, pastries, and quaint little tables filled with excited, chattering people

“Sant Ambroeus?” I read aloud

“Ever been here?”


Donovan laughed “You’re in for it”

Apparently ht, because he actually had a reservation After taking the place in for ten h our nostrils as well as with our eyes, ere seated at cozy table and giventhe richest,coffee… paired with shots of sweet liqueur in dark chocolate shot glasses

“Boy, when you cheat you really cheat,” I observed

“Yeah, I guess so”

Our waiter arrived again, bringing a largehot liquid to the table Donovan pushed it my ith a not-so-secret smile

“Try that”

I shrugged and brought it carefully to my lips The deep brown liquid smelled absolutely delicious as I tipped it back

Holy shit…