Page 21 (1/2)

As the cooking class drew to a close, I was a little bit sad I’d had so much fun with him in the casual yet intimate environment We’d seemed to click so easily, so naturally, I didn’t want our time to end

“Where do you wanna spend the re the question open-ended

Donovan tookCity streets “I’ll show you”

The anomaly of yesterday was over, and it was ht of Brody… of hisbetween s

Then I glanced back at Donovan and pushed those thoughts away

We walked for several blocks, holding hands, laughing and flirting and enjoying more conversation Donovan was like a different person now Gone was his stern expression, the unforgiving de constantly, and listening attentively to everything I had to say

“You’re a lot more friendly,” I finally chuckled “While we’re out on a… you know…”

“A date?”

“Yeah,” I smiled “That”

“Maybe I’ive you the scowl?”

I looked up and there it was — the face of utter seriousness The drill-sergeant expression that always came whenever I missed a set, or phoned in a rep, or showed up after a canceled appointment

He squeezed ain “This is rinned “I save the scowl for when I need it”

“Well I like this Donovan a lot better,” I said, squeezing back “In fact—”

My sentence died as he pulled ainst mine
