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Nikki said, “Losingripple effect resulting from Conner’s death Those who’d worked most closely with him… They saw an immortal fall from the sky that day And had no clue how to cope with such a significant loss Thevoid in their lives Not just in mine”
“Orin her throat “Another reason I’oing to send all reater tailspin”
Kate knew she faced one of her greatest coerous venture with her family
And oh, God…
Her eyes squeezed shut briefly
What about Jude?
At the moment, Kate couldn’t fixate on Jude or his reaction to the full extent of her new professional mission She already knew the direction she wanted to take, and it started right here
Nikki and Conner had been the model couple The very reason Kate had returned hoe and directly ended the farce with Andrew She’d seen the real deal with Nikki and Conner that initial semester at Princeton And had vowed to herself she’d never settle for anything less
What an a testa! It hadn’tand had different viewpoints and dreas in disguise, because every tiendas, they’d learned so they never would have considered on their own
So So always leading to copious amounts of makeup sex Kate had to tactically avoid And sometimes…she’d simply watched them out of the corner of her eye fro hall or the shared common room of their dormitory suite, in awe over two extre in a visceral way that ravitate to each other no matter the circumstance No e or not, Nikki and Conner always found a way to agree to disagree so they could still support the other
It’d been poetic and roh-worthy to so intirow as a couple
Kate wasn’t a believer in fairy tales, but she couldn’t help but clap her hands like she was saving a fairy’s life over every obstacle this couple cleared Their triu And Kate had drawn upon all the lessons she’d learned from these two friends of hers to be a better, more rounded therapist
Considering this—and extrapolating out to her current endeavor—she said to Nikki, “The training tracks you’re developing are robust, yet diversified and specialized Counseling survivors of hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, plane crashes, et cetera, and their fa the fa first responders, including doctors and SAR tea the first track, counseling survivors and their family members, particularly via telemedicine if the survivors aren’t immediately reunited with their loved ones, such as tourists stuck in a different country”
“Correct And you can remain that precise, Kate There’s plenty of need for it, believe me”