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“Not to mention search and rescue teams”
“An essential coave an efficient nod She was a striking redhead with pearl-white teeth Her eht at every angle, sparkling almost distractedly
She and Kate had gone to ether Nikki was, until very recently, the one person who knew more about Kate than anyone else Jude now ran a close second Too close, actually Except that Kate had not shared the full extent of her “new adventure” with him
Jude thought she was traveling Europe in chic, glamorous fashion to treat patients
He had no idea she was talking to Nikki about providing i services to survivors of natural and industrial catastrophes As an integral member of Nikki’s unit, Kate would be e instant access to anyone in need of urgent emotional trauma therapy in an attempt to stem or, at the very least, minimize inherent post-traumatic stress disorders
The initial phase of the progra ical Teams that had seen combat and had dealt with every hanistan An overseas stint for Nikki, Kate and the other therapists that would offer cohly stressful and hazardous situations before they joined a designated SAR team
There was a part of Kate that found this so incredibly exhilarating and invigorating, she reached for the first folio and flipped open the cover
Unfortunately, her sensible side overrode her adventurous spirit, and Kate hedged She closed the folder and rested her clasped hands over it
“You know I have to read every single word at least five times,” she told Nikki
“I’d expect nothing less froive their interpretations, and there’s an abundance ofin the event you don’t return, other consents to execute… A long and arduous process Today’s about getting the ball rolling”
“I’e to be involved with your team, Nik”
“Kate, you were an absolute rock for me while I dealt with Conner’s death after his chopper went down during a search and rescue ed her voice “You were the only person who grasped my desperate need to counsel his team”
“They were devastated,” Kate gravely commented
“Conner was a born leader—a damn charismatic one at that”
As Nikki drew in a deep breath, Kate felt the erip her just as fiercely