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The guard as holding er tip pierce the skin of my stomach, and I knew that this was all too real Beyond where we stood, I could see a portion of the crowd I’d never seen so many people—I didn’t know so many people even lived here But even still, even with all those faces, it was only Randal that mattered to me

He dreord frouard froht

“Get the fuck away froic steps closer, always keeping the tip of the blade steady in the air

The queen stepped forward, positioning herself between Randal and me

“Careful, little brother,” she hissed “I kno much you want her And I knoill kill you to lose her”

Randal spat hard “Brother? We’re not family, Patara, and for the first tio This is between you and me”

The queen snorted “Of course I’ive up such a prize without getting anything for it?”

“Randal is king,” said the old race of his majesty, perhaps you can still save your own skin”

“Doubtful,”as he looked atthere between us like amine And I will protect you “But probably worth a shot It’s your only chance, after all”

Queen Patara snorted, clasping her hands behind her back, facing away froer from between the folds of the back of her dress Its hilt was disguised as decoration, covered with black pearls With one hand she palmed the hilt and then backed up into me, so that noo blades pressed into me

I ot a knife to my stomach”

The blade turned clockwise, creating a tear in my skirt