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Giles nodded his approval and told the man to wait until the appropriate moment When he was asked what matically and said it would be obvious

The mood in the room shifted as the servants stepped back Preparations done; ti finale Outside, on the terrace, the sound of druan, low and ominous, and the chatter of the crowd quietened to a dull lint in his eye


I nodded “Ready”

The doors to the terrace swung open and I finally saw the crowd but I just wanted this fucking thing overwith so I could get back to Iris There were thousands gathered People spilled fro the coronation square The dru in speed and intensity as we stepped out into the open air

Lord Aaron stepped forward in front of me and raised his arms for quiet I’m not sure how such a thin, ordinarily quiet-spoken man commanded such presence, but there was instant silence He didn’t even need to raise his voice to be heard, the natural acoustics a every word

“My lords and ladies, my men and women, my people We are here today for what is ais dead”

He paused, and in the silence a bass drue for the man I’d never loved, but a man, nonetheless, who had been the ruler of Aramoor for most people’s entire lives Did they love hiht to rule Now Giles had to convince them of mine

“Sad news indeed,” he went on, and the dru’s son, who has been battling dangers ine, is here He is ready to take up his father’s crown It is by his effort that we have had peace for so long, and by his continued effort, and by God’s grace, ill have peace for many years to come”

He turned, and I stepped out fro rooasps all around, that this was the last er be who I had always been I would be king And there was no backing out

The gasps may have been horror, or simply surprise, I have no idea All I do know is that when Giles bowed before an to ripple through the crowd

“Long live the king,” Giles intoned, and as I looked at the shadow creeping over his back, I realized what the murmur was about

Turning, I saw the sun darkening, blotted out in the daytime sky As did everyone in the crowd, I shaded my eyes and watched as the shadow passed over I heard words of astonishns, and then realized Giles was standing right beside me

“Long live the king,” he rin, and unceremoniously put the crown on my head

“You did this?”