Page 39 (1/2)

“What?” I asked, feigning boredo to break the door down and find an empty room, I wanted to throw him off

“The king doesn’t have long Lord Aaron sent me to find you”

Of course he did “Well? Let’s go”

He led the way and I followed behind, trying desperately to think what my next move should be Giles had to die, and fuck it had to be atback to Iris would be difficult I was good at disappearing in the shadows, but even I couldn’t kill awatch and then slip away before they took revenge

“In there,” Erik said, standing to one side outside the door to Giles’s quarters Another guard stood to the other side of the door, but neither of them moved to enter the room with me

That tookin?”

“He said this conversation is for the two of you alone No other ears”

What the fuck was his plan then? He had to know that he was handing himself to me on a plate, if he kneas alive as I now suspected he ht here, not just looked for

I entered cautiously, still half expecting another atte at his desk already, looking like he’d been awake for hours Did the fucker ever sleep, or just spend all his ti murder?

“Ah, Randal, good,” he said, not even looking up I glanced around, looking for any weak points in my own assessment of the situation To all appearances, it looked like ere alone and I could kill him with impunity

There had to be so I’d missed

“I’m told your father has hours left, so we need to estion by now?”

“Motherfucker,” I muttered, as it all became clear

The assassins were too easy He should have sent a dozen, not four, which meant they were never supposed to kill me They expected me to show up, of course No doubt he leaked the infor she’d tell me But Giles knew I’d dispatch the me He kneas skilled with a blade, knew I spent ti rooms when they were eerous the world was for anyone I cared about

It was brilliant, in a way I had a weird sense of ad kill him