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As I had done earlier, I bathed her sweet pink cunt with soapy water, while she sighed and yawned, holding onto my head for support while she sat on a wooden chair I kept by theI knew that being here would put ht not have been desirable to most nobles, but it was still luxuriously furnished The four-poster bed, the tapestries, the wardrobe with doors decorated with scenes of woodland ani said nothing

Ten orgastide of cum She looked dazed, drea The décor was hardly her first concern

The insistent knock at the door caught us both by surprise

“Randal, open up” The voice was faht

“You’ve got to be fucking kiddingers were literally two inches fro froive exactly zero fucks who is on the other side of that door”

“You’re getting so greedy,

Yet again, there was another knock Whoever it was, they weren’t about to leave and assuuards was telling Either Giles Aaron had figured out I hadn’t died at the faruard to check iven that it had only been a day since his assassins were supposed to kill uard was supposed to break the door down, find the room empty and there would follow an official search They’d “discover” my body at Millstone Far

Which meant my best option was to throw his plans into disarray If in doubt, always do the unexpected That was a lesson I’d learned well

“I’ to sound bored Even if I wanted to put hi I had anyone else in here with me

“Very well Be quick about it”

I looked Iris in the eyes and slid ers over her clit

“I need you to go down to the dungeon And stay there I mean it”