Page 22 (1/2)

“Little bitch, where did you learn to be such a sneak? Not from me, that’s for sure”

“Father, please, put the bottle down Do you need drinking money? There’s some in the house—”

I cried out and shrank back as he flung the bottle of cider at round by Nellie’s hooves her ser around

Nellie shifted from one foot to the other, and I fumed

“What do you think you’re doing?” I deer at hio? Sometimes I wish you’d just drink yourself to death and freeto clean up after you!”

Tears strea up pieces of broken glass Nellie mooed in distress, and I just hoped she didn’t decide to kick me in the face while I crouched behind her

“You’d be happy about that, wouldn’t you, you little cunt? Happy if I died”

From behind ht maybe it was Randal, that somehoords had summoned him like some sort of witch’s spell But as I turned, I was taken aback to find four men in dark clothes, their tunics unadorned with any crest or sys They looked frolances

“Who…who are you?” I stauotten

One of theht atthe hilt in his palrabbing his groin and giving it a puoing to be fun”

I backed away, relass on rab one, I’d at least have soe, I had a feeling I wouldn’t get very far before I felt a knife at my throat