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“Turn on you?” I shook my head “This is to protect you Giles said—”

“Oh, the two of you are best friends now, is that it? He offers you what your father never would and you just jump at it, don’t you?”

“Why are you being like this? I never wanted to be king, I still don’t Is this what you came here to discuss? Because it can wait until I’m properly awake, don’t you think?”

For a listening white teeth that looked in the gray light like razors Alone, and a tear formed at the corner of her eye as she shook her head, her chest rising with a sob

“I cao to her side, placing a hand on her shoulder She clasped her own fingers overa deep breath “I came to warn you, I—I just heard I can barely believe it ”

“What?” My skin prickled as I snatched my hand away “Iris? What about her? Why didn’t you…”

MyDid everyone in the whole castle know my secret? Did I walk in my sleep and broadcast it like a town crier from the battlements? Hear ye, hear ye, I, the bastard prince, have been sneaking off to spend tihter of a tenant fars I’ve never dreamed

“She’s in danger, Randal,” Patara continued “Giles Aaron thinks she weakens your position A future king and a milkmaid? No, he won’t allow it He’s dispatched assassins early thisThey’re on their way to her now”

“Assassins? I have to… Fuck, Patara, if anything happens to her…” I clutched at my bare chest as she plucked a discarded shirt from the floor

“Here,” she said, handing it to ht be able to catch the I want is to see you unhappy, no matter what you’ve done to me”

I snatched the shirt fro her last words I could explain everything to Patara later, and we could come up with a proper way to pay Giles Aaron back for what he’d done

But right now, Iris needed me, and I would not let her down

Chapter 11