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When Iris caught lance didn’t make me feel ashamed Far froht, not the yellow ht where I had always lived in the dark

It was new to me, but not unwelcome, to finally be seen

Despiteout after I killed the duke, I was by most accounts unnamed and unknown to the world The court, which had been in uproar at the idea of the king’s son—even a bastard son—being treated the way I had, had quickly forgotten my existence once the initial scandal had faded

Twenty years had passed since then, and er even knew my na in the night or early h the square and into the forest, were the source of thethe beast of the woods

The king could probably have me executed now, and feould remark it Still, I didn’t think he’d dare risk it, not while I kept myself to myself at least I’d lived in the tunnels and lower levels of the castle since uards and servants from behind my mask, and Patara when she chose to visit my quarters

Once we finished in the stables and the chicken coop, I carried her back to theshed as she instructed My lust nearly doubledwith her all day The insides ofout

My control was held by a thread as thin as a spider’s web, knowing that at any ht snap, bellow out her na her around and sedahat God gave her

Pulling her straight from heaven into my hell But oh, what a hell it would be

Just when hts were about to become actions, she stalled me with a wink and a smirk

“Go inside, open the cupboard under the s You’ll see my secret treat there Move the chicken feed aside and you’ll find it I have to keep it well hidden” She raised one eyebrow a lint in her molasses brown eyes

In the cupboard behind the feed, I found a few bottles of cider, sealed ax It was from one of the best brewers in the Aramoor valley The bottles were sh I was thirsty fro day’s hard work, I didn’t want to deplete her supply, so I brought a single bottle out to her

She furrowed her brow at me when I handed it over

“Itwo, silly”

“Tough,” I said, and pulled up atiny, but I made it work