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On her back, in my bed, with my dick deep inside her

On her knees, ar her every inch of my cock until she learned to take it all

Or, standing with her arave her orgasasm with my mouth until her knees faltered and she lost all sense of herself separate from me

Andher that pain didn’t always have to be opposed to pleasure, of cal my mind

That side of me would be ours alone if I could ever let her into my secret

When thewas done, she reluctantly admitted that the stalls needed to be mucked out, so I scooped her up in my arms and off ent to the stables She was full and lush and I wanted to carry her next to th to her as well A sturdiness that surely cah pleasure

Goddaive it to her, pleasure and a bit of pain, right there over the saddles that lined one side of the stables

But I held my base nature in check as IAs I worked, we talked I learned about all the work she had to do and all the responsibilities she had It ay too much for one person

“Do you have ti besides work? What do you love to do? What do you want for your life?”

She looked at rown another head “This is what I do What I will always do”

“There has to be ed There had to be more for her, dreams, pleasures, joy of some sort

She shrugged a shoulder looking down “I have little time outside of my duties, but when I do, I usually spend it with the animals I found an old apothecary book in the stables and I enjoy tending to them The medical book fascinates me I do what I can to care of the stock and learn how to keep them healthy I also like to fish There’s a deep pond a fair walk from the back of the far stables I always have luck there It’s silly, a girl fishing…”

“It’s not silly It’s wonderful” I i in a catch

“Really? My father tells h, he never turns down the meals I cook with my catch”

“You are strange in the most fabulous way Iris” Her soft smile made my heart ache