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"Try to understand you! Why , until my brain reels But I'm blamed if I can make head ortail of what you say You seem to be snarled up in more knots than aconjuror What the hell does it all , even when the safety or the life of such agirl as Marjory Drake is in question On my faith Mr Hunter I hope Idon't make any mistake about you!"
"Yes, you do, Saood cause for disappointer "At the first moment I amfree to do so, I shall tell you all I can; and you shall then see thatI a what you would under similar circuazed at me steadily for a fewseconds, and then his look softened
"By God I will!" he said, as he held out his hand
"Now tell o back to Cruden in theIt is necessary" This was in answerto his questioning look "It is the first step inas you wish"I knew that Marjory would send to me, if at all, to Cruden "But tell mehohere I can wire you in case we are not within hail" For answerhe pulled out of his pocket a bundle of "priority" telegrams addressedto the United States Embassy in London
"Take them and use them as may be required I am in constant touch withthe Embassy and they will knohere to find me Hoill I find you?"
"Send to me care of Post-office, Cruden Bay," I said, "I shall keep youadvised of wherever I ht
"I shall see you in the ," he said as he went out
For so on so fast; andso ht, that Ihardly knehere to begin to think Of course all things concerningMarjory, principally her safety, took the first place What could bethis Spanish plot; what could be its method or its purpose? At firstwhen Adams had told me of it, I had not been much concerned; itseemed so far away, so iravity I had not thought at the time that the two nationswere actually at war, and that already, both before the war and duringit, deeds of desperate treachery had been done, the memory of which werenot even obliterated by the valour and chivalry which had been shownby the nobler of America's foes "_Remember The Maine_" was still aord and war cry There were many scoundrels, such as chieflycome to the surface in war time, ould undertake any work, howeverdeadly, however brutal, however dangerous Such villains ht be atwork even now! With a bound I was out upon the floor In that er to Marjory I realised to the full the dangerof norance of her situation, and even of the locality where she; when Ifelt it I could not but understand the annoyance of Ada ameasure of the same impotence, hat looked liketill I should see Marjory orhear froht, which, under the circu, I went back to bed
I aked by the knocking of Adams who in reply to my "Come," slippedin and shut the door behind him
"They are gone!"
"Who?" I asked h I well knew
"Miss Drake and her friend They went away last night, just after youcaht you dined with theatively, and with a dash of suspicion in his tone
"I was to dine with the pause