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Page 23 (1/2)

ce had done this for her, andshe had simply accepted it Doubtless, wearied with praise and withpublicity and notoriety in all its popular foretaway and hide herself for a while Fortune had thrown in her way a norant of her very existence; and it was a pleasureto play with him at hide-and-seek!

It was, after all, an up-to-date story of the Princess in disguise; andI was the young , hom she had played

Here a terrible doubt assailedhad their sport, had vanished; leavingdesolation and an empty heart behind them Was it possible that she toowas like this; that she had been all the while playing with racious, she was taking steps tohide even her whereabouts froe; and yet who did not even knohen or where I should see heragain--if indeed I should ever see her again at all I could not believeit I had looked into her eyes, and had seen the truth Here was nowanton playing at boith men's hearts My life upon her faith!

I seemed to have lost myself in a sort of trance I was recalled froone over to the fireplaceand stood with his back tohis pipe at the mantel-piece:

"I think I hear Adah I ah he probablyht have an opportunity to do so,he wants to appear not to enter on the subject He is _diplomat_ allover Remember he is of the U S Embassy; and Miss Drake, as anAmerican citizen, is theoretically under his care in this foreigncountry Let us be talking of soe softly whistling a bar of "Yankee Doodle" Cathcartnodded to me and whispered:

"I told you so! He takes good care that heof the prospects of the Autu on theDee

When we left Cathcart's roo ride, went at once to my room Adams came with me as far asthe door

I was just getting into bed when I heard a slight tap at the door Iunlocked it and found Ada hand, and saidin a whisper:

"May I co very privately" More than ever seemed a mystery now--I opened the door He camein and I closed it softly and locked it



Ada; but it is inthe strictest confidence You must promise me not to mention to any one,mind _any one_, what I say; or even that I have spoken to you on thesubject" I thought for aIt flashed across methat what he had to say must concern Marjory, so I answered:

"I fear I cannotsomeone other than myself" A shade of annoyance passed across his face ashe said:

"Well, it is about some one else; but really you must trust me I wouldnot for the world, old fellow, ask you to do anything that was notcorrect"

"I know that" I said "I know it right well; but you see it ht be peculiar--not fixedyou know It ht be necessary forblindly, so sought refuge in fact and query,"Tell me" I said "does it relate to Miss Drake?"