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I’ on the couch, beer in one hand and phone in the other There’s a football ga the other’s ass at the moment, so I decide to check a feork emails
It’s been a little over a week since I became one of the luckiest men on earth, when Abby let ht, we’ve pretty ether the entire ti, and as soon as either of us get off work, we coht back to Abby’s place We’ve fucked like horny rabbits, sporadically throughout the day and night Abby’s body hasn’t had the chance to inflict her painful cravings because she gets the relief she needs before she actually needs it
Although,each other’s brains out, we’ve also gotten to know quite a bit about each other Abby seems to be different this tis, whereas before, she seemed to close part of herself off She smiles more, and the darkness I sensed around her before isn’t there This makes me happy beyond belief I want her as happy as
can be, and I want to be the person that ether will be perfect I knoe’ll have our ups and downs, and I’m sure there may be times when Abby may still try to push me away for self-preservation, and because she’s still insecure about her abilities, but I knoe can ether I’ll just have to reets too much in her head
I glance up from my phone, just as she struts by My cock i but one of my white button-up shirts Her hair, which looks like she hasn’t even brushed it yet today, is loose around her shoulders Every single time I see her, she takesin that day to Blackie’s and her literally running into me It’s one of the best days of my life
“Stop,” I command with a thick voice
She stops in her tracks and turns my way, her brow raised in question My eyes devour the sinful site before me
“Cothen my voice so I don’t sound like so for his first fuck
Seeing the look on my face, a sexy ss her hips seductively on her way over to lued to her until she stops several feet away from me
Throwing one hand on her hip, she purrs, “Can I help you?”
I still have hter I take ait down on the end table My phone lands on the couch beside me
My gaze travels fros, over her full hips and waist They linger on her nipples that I can see poking through theand falling faster than normal When my eyes land on her face, she has a beautiful flush on her cheeks, and her
Yeah, she’s turned on as much as I am
“There’s so I want to try,” I tell her