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Ria had stared at the pictures The pride leader Callan Lyons and his wife at a news conference after they announced to the world what the Breeds were Taber Williams and his mate, Roni Tanner and Scheme An enforcer, Tarek, and histhat had always fascinated Ria It was love It was always love Mating heat had ical and pheromonal with love

Mercury loved her

She heard the roar outside Closer, throbbing with rage, re her of Mercury

He loved her She knew he did Her soul was being ripped from her body without him

He didn’t love Alaiya Mating heat ca hor heat

She buried her head deeper into his pillow, drew in his scent

He was hers He was meant to be hers Yet what should have been hers had co heat that Dane had smelled The moment Mercury saw Alaiya

She was tensing to move, to force herself fro A snarl filled the cabin and the bedroom door burst open, thrown into the ith a force that shook the room

She jerked up in the bed The light from the bathroom speared over him

Mercury Savage Enraged

“You ran from me, mate” Buttons ripped from his jacket as he tore it from his body

She watched in shock as he undressed Boots thudded to the floor His pants slid fro, his eyes pure blue as she stared back at the apparition prowling to her bed

“Mercury ”

“Mate,” he snarled, his canines flashing as he moved to the bed

She watched, entranced as he paused at the foot of the bed He looked bigger, his th in his body amplified