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ny of animent from the animals that all moved to be near him, in triumph
He are of the Breeds guarding outside, watching him warily now The sounds of the lions called back to hie, the echo of the fury they heard inside him
He roared out again, filling the night with a sound he’d never known he possessed His head tipped back, rage and triu from vocal cords that were now more animal than human
And the ani toward his destination They were his pride and they would protect as his His woman His mate Their alpha female by choice and by nature
The Breed that brought hiaze as Mercury strode to him
The Breed ed by the sight of him Eyes so blue they could rival a sue features, his shoulders appearing broader, his body larger, than ever before
The Lion Breedthat both terrified and awed hi of lion and hued That roar had been one of pure fury, and in it, it had held a , that the Breed himself nearly followed it
Protect Mercury’s mate
Ria heard the roars in the exhaustion of her sobs They still tore froh her They were trapped inside her now, flowing out with the tears that had swollen her eyes and left her wrecked, clinging to Mercury’s pillow, his scent the only solace she could find
The e in his eyes when he stared at her He knew her There were things she hadn’t had to tell him He kneho she hen no one else ever had, even the Vanderales
She hadn’t wanted others to see who she was, so she had hidden it But Mercury had seen her He had felt her And now she was losing him
She had walked away Should she have fought for hiht Oh God, she wanted to fight for him She wanted to claw that woman’s eyes out Tear her away from Mercury and rip at that perfect hair that had framed those perfect features
And what good would it have done? Where did love fall into place withinheat? She had done her ho the heat And the heat hadn’t been between her and Mercury At least, not with Mercury
She was bleeding agony through every pore of her body at the thought of another wo to do her job then walk away?
She curled tighter around the pillow she held to her She couldn’t stay here Dane was right There was no way she could survive it, but she couldn’t survive returning to South Africa either Where Elizabeth would fuss over her and Leo would watch her with sad disappointain