page76 (1/2)
“Have her restricted to quarters for twenty-four hours,” Callan ordered “We can’t risk her confronting Mercury during the party tonight”
Mercury stared at hined to security for the party”
“No, you’re ordered to attend the party in full dress uniforalls and Brandenmore will be in attendance I want all eyes on them, and I want Ms Rodriquez there in case any trans I want this stopped, Mercury Now Before I have to ignore Breed Law myself and kill the bastards”
With that, he turned and stalked fro Kane and Jonas both to breathe out in surprise
Callan never disregarded Breed Law He had helped to fashion it, to lay in the fraovern the Breeds and allow thenore one of those rules
“I wasn’t anticipating a party” Ria sighed, but Mercury could hear the acceptance in her voice “Dane is always doing this to me”
“Dane didn’t request your presence, I did,” Jonas bit out
Mercury caught Ria’s sh he smothered his own
“There’s a difference?” she asked with false innocence as she moved past Jonas and headed for the front of the house “Strange I haven’t found one yet”
Ria pulled her coat around her and stepped into the li her expression composed until the door closed and therose between them and the driver
“One of these days, so to kill Jonas,” she told Mercury
Mercury snorted “Yeah, so for months now Those s in his apartment you mentioned when you first arrived?”
“Were shot out” She nodded “I can understand the need, I truly can I wanted to shoot hi by now? My investigation into her lab files as well as her Sanctuary files doesn’t even hint at the irrationality she’s showing The woe of some sort of breakdown”
“It isn’t that easy” Mercury shook his head as he moved to the seat across fro in it, every value Callan and Jonas have attempted to see put in effect for Breeds, is based on one simple ideal, Ria Breed freedo irrational If we allowed a Breed to be forced into it, then Breed Laould becoht of the world”
Ria crossed her legs and stared back at hi her hands carefully in her lap as she let herself consider that