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Jonas sently “Do you think you know anything that could harm me or my job? If you do, you’re welcome to list it in your petition of complaints”
His voice was s, no sense of worry or nerves It was like watching Dane work Of course, Jonas had enough secrets to sink Sanctuary, the Breeds and hiive one person enough information to do more than irritate him if it were ever revealed
“You think so little ofeh her were reflected in her expression, and in her scent, Ria assumed
The Breeds were all tense, watching her closely, the smallest hint of confusion in their eyes
“I think soently “I believe perhaps we’ve allowed you to be under too much stress, or you’ve overstressed yourself I think you need to rest, and think about the steps you’re taking How e of what you’re atte to do become known?”
“You think you’re so damned smart” Her hands slid froers clenched in fury as a flush rose to her cheekbones “You’re risking everything Not just Sanctuary and the Breeds, but Mercury himself, and you know it”
“Enough, Ely” Callan’s voice was as sharp, as de the doctor to flinch in response “Return to your office or to your quarters That’s an order”
“Pride Leader—”
“That’s an order, Ely!” His voice never rose, but so in reaction
Ely shuddered then turned on her heel and stalked past the rumbled in Mercury’s throat
He turned back to Callan “There’s so here,” he finally admitted “That’s not the Ely I know”
Jonas shook his head, watching the doorway the doctor had slipped through “It’s not the Ely I know either, but just as with you, until we can dee”
“Why try to force her?” Ria asked “Do to her as she did to Mercury Trick her”
“We would first need a scientist with the ability to run the tests”
Ria crossed her arms over her breasts “You kidnapped a Council scientist just last ? He was never released froovernments to learn what happened to him”