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He held out the document
She read it, her brow furrowing
“What does thisit back to him
“It means Cassidy holds Ferall’s leash”
“Well, good riddance He was a crude man I didn’t like him”
“He’s an Opal-Jeweled Warlord Prince I’ve seen what he’s done on a killing field He’s no Lucivar Yaslana, but even so he was feared—and with good reason”
No real comprehension He heard that truth in her voice, saw it in her eyes “And it means that Cassidy now rules half of what used to be Dena Nehele”
Thatshe understood, and those pretty blue eyes blazed with anger
“You have to stop this, Theran You have to get the court formed andstop this ”
Hadn’t he been trying for ive her a chance to shine? It wasn’t his fault she’d pissed off Ferall and so at him because her position was still so tenuous, or she sulked over his tight control of the purse, or pouted over soined—insult fro less and less appealing because there seemed to be less and less heart in the act
So a stupid, selfish girl and start being the Queen he knew she could be
And yet, despite his growing frustration and anger with her, she still felt soright, and heknew if she could have a little more time to mature, shewould be the Queen Dena Nehele so desperately needed
She was right about one thing: every day that slipped aithout a court for around her made Dena Nehele more vulnerable—and made Cassidy, and her court, look better
Over the next few days, Theran felt like ato death from a wound he couldn’t find
Thinking that any court was better than no court, and figuring Kermilla wouldn’t object since she considered these Blood acceptable coone to visit the aristo families in Grayhaven—and discovered they hadall left town on business of one kind or another The servants couldn’t tell hione, couldn’t tell him when they would return
The h: The men were afraid he would require them to serve in Kermilla’s court, so they had removed themselves from his reach
When he went to talk to the Warlord Princes living in his own Province, they stared at hi
And with each day and each failure, Ker
He sent another su Provinces, de that they present themselves to Kermilla for consideration in her court
This time, no one answered
Ignoring her yip of protest, Gray bundled Cassidy into her winter coat and hustled her to the kitchen door
“Put your boots on,” he said “There’s so I want to show you”
Well, she needed a break from the paperwork anyway, and he looked like he could be as stubborn as a Sceltie about showing her whatever this was
When they were outside, Cassidy lifted her face to the sun “Not one word abouta hat Not today when the air has that first scent of spring”
“Wasn’t going to say a thing” Taking her hand, he led her to the sitting area under the tree
“Oh!” Delight filled her “Oh, Gray! Look!”
He grinned “The first bloo”
Sturdy little flowers poked up through the snow, purple and yellow and white Si flowers in Dharo, but not quite the saround