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“We weren’t trying to cut anyone loose, Prince Ferall,” Cassidy said

“Then why set the line at the Heartsblood River?”

She must have heard the same leashed pain in Ferall’s voice that he did because she lost her defensive anger and stareedy”

Oh, the look of frustrated disbelief on Ferall’s face

Pulling off his hat, Ferall slapped it on his thigh and roared, “Well, Hell’s fire, woreedy !”

The club slipped froers and almost conked Vae on the head Cassidy stood there with her reedy

It took her a longyour family live under Kere on the other side of the river There is plenty of room”

“I could do that,” Ferall agreed “But what about the other eleven Warlord Princes who live in that Province? What about the people in the towns and villages that I’ve been ruling on behalf of the Queen? What about the farmers who don’t want to leave land that’s been held in their faenerations? What about them, Lady? What should I tell them when I pack up my family and move across the river?”

Ranon watched Cassidy turn paler and paler until her freckles were the only color left in her face

CohtStep up to the line

He couldn’t nudge her, couldn’t urge her She didn’t ask for his opinion Didn’t even look his way for son Her eyes stayed on Ferall

Then Cassidy, Queen of Shalador Nehele, squared her shoulders and quietly said, “You’re right, Prince Ferall So many people should not be asked to leave their homes But one man should not make such an important choice for so many” She sed hard “So this is my decision Go home, Ferall Talk to the other Warlord Princes Talk to the District Queens who rule in your Province If, on behalf of themselves and the people they rule, the majority of them want to break from Dena Nehele and join us as part of Shalador Nehele, you will all be welcome”

Keeping his eyes on Cassidy, Ferall called in a sheet of paper and held it out “How about all of them?”

Ranon leaned against the wall for support Hell’s fire, Mother Night, and may the Darkness be merciful Ferall had come with the document in hand

Cassidy got paler, if that was possible But she stepped up to the line “In that case, welcome to Shalador Nehele Prince Powell?”


Powell stepped into the roo in the hallway He wasn’t a fighter, but if it had coht, Ranon would have locked with Ferall and Poould have gotten Cassie out of the room

“Please review the docuht Thenpreserved for us at the Keep”

“It will be my pleasure, Lady,” Powell said “Prince Ferall? If you would come to my office?”

Ferall studied Cassidy for a moment “Thank you, Lady For all of us, thank you” He followed Powell out of the room

The morabbing her before her legs buckled He pulled out a chair She collapsed into it

“Head down, darling,” he said, holding one hand between her shoulder blades as she pressed her forehead against her knees “Just breathe now That’s a girl”