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“You can’t do this She took a third of the Territory”

“Cassidy didn’t take anything The Provinces were free to make their choice”

“And what price would they pay if they didn’t make the choice Lady Cassidy wanted?” Theran asked bitterly

“You’re trying to dress Cassidy in another woman’s temper,” Talon said

“You’re asking questions that don’t fit her as a wo about someone else”

Theran rocked back on his heels, not sure how to answer that—and sure hedidn’t want to answer that “Talon, breaking Dena Nehele isn’t the answer”

“Is Cassidy going to be the Queen of Dena Nehele two months from now?”

“No, she is not!”

“Then this is the only answer that gives both sides a choice besides war”

“Choice” The word hooked its claws into hi “You call this a choice? Kermilla will never accept this”

“She isn’t the Queen yet”

“She’s going to be”

“But she isn’t the Queen yet And I guess, right now, that makes you the unofficial ruler of Dena Nehele So it’s up to you to accept this”

Theran staggered back a step No Queen No feuide them once it became known that Cassidy had turned away from the Provinces north of the Heartsblood River

No Queen again At least, not until Kermilla formed a court

“I guess I’er part of Cassidy’s court,” Theran said

“You don’t serve the Queen of Shalador Nehele, so, no, you’re no longer part of the court”

So much sadness in Talon’s eyes

“Talonare you really going to stand against me?”

“Let us go, Theran We don’t want a war, but if you send ht And I tell you now, boy, if weI can to destroy you”

Theran’s eyes stung He blinked away the tears “That’s it then”

“Yes, that’s it” Talon walked to the study door and opened it He stopped and looked over his shoulder “May the Darkness embrace you, Theran”

Theran said nothing until Talon left the room Then he whispered, “And you, Talon And you”

Kerain—about being locked out of Theran’s study That would change once she was the Queen Yes, that would certainly change But for now, she couldn’t demand to knohat had happened between Theran and that awful Prince Talon Just looking at thepart of his right foot made her shudder At least she wouldn’t have to considerhim for her court, no matter how Theran felt about him