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She knocked on the door, louder this time And this time it opened

When she walked in, Theran was pacing, the restlessstill And the look on his face

“What happened?” she asked “Did soer snap about Gray since he’d been so rude to her, but Therandid care, so it was appropriate to show concern

“He’s lost his mind, that’s what happened,” Theran snapped “With help, I’m sure, from that Shalador bastard Ranon”

That didn’t tell her anything “Theran”

He strode to his desk, grabbed a document, and thrust it into her hands

She read—and felt a fury rise in her unlike anything she had felt before “Thatbitch ! She’s taken wholeProvinces ?”

“Everything south of the Heartsblood River is now ruled by Lady Cassidy, Queen of Shalador Nehele,” Theran said bitterly “A third of Dena Nehele is gone because of a piece of paper!”

“No! Get theet those Provinces back!” A third of Dena Nehele? A third of the income that should be hers? Unthinkable! “You can’t let her do this to us To the land and the people who need our guidance,” she amended when she noticed the uncertainty in his eyes

“Well, they don’t think they need anything fro

“You have to stop this!” Kermilla sank into a chair ThatbitchShould have known better than to offeranything She’d been willing to let Freckledy rule the Shalador reserves, hadn’t she? Wasn’tanyway, but it had been a way to sho generous she could be by letting the Queen who had been dise and be useful Of course Cassidy, being a fine draft horse of a Queen,was useful

But no The bitch got greedy andstole Provinces that should have beenhers And that was so she couldn’t allow

That strange fury washed through her again “You have to do so, Prince Grayhaven”

He gave her an odd look—more appreciative of this show of temper than wary of it

Finally he stopped pacing, rubbed his hands over his face, and sighed “There’s nothing I can do, Kermilla A copy of that document is already at the Keep There is no way to deny it exists They did this behind e the decision, but it’s done now”

“Thenchange it,” Kermilla said

“How? War? Do you knohat another ould do to us right now?” He shook his head “That’s not a consideration I doubt there is a Warlord Prince on this side of the Heartsblood River ould be willing to step onto a killing field against Ranon or Talonor Jared Blaed”

“So you’re going to give up athird of Dena Nehele toCassidy? ” Kerive up her land so easily?

“I told you, it’s already done” Retrieving the document, which she’d dropped beside her chair, Theran set it on his desk “No point chewing on a battle that’s already been fought and lost Not e have to e”

“And ould that be?” She was too upset to try her sexy pout or any other maneuver on him

Another odd look “Convincing eleven other men to stand with me and form your court”