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Well, that explained why the Scelties had relaxed a bit Vae had been watching the guests and hadn’t given a call to battle

What was she supposed to say to these arded with such suspicion just because they had asked to see her? Her former court hadn’t behaved this way, so she had no precedent

Yes, she did Jaenelle’s courtHer First Circle would have looked ht

Ferall gave her a quick glance before focusing on her men

“Ranon,” Ferall said quietly Then he studied Gray “Jared Blaed” Finally he looked at her “Hikaeda and I are here on behalf of the Warlord Princes in our Province to wish you a Happy Winsol—and to thank you for the books It ift”

“You’re very welco “Could I offer you some refreshments?”

“Thank you for the offer, but with your consent, we’d like to visit the main street and the shops there,” Ferall said “Have a couple of special gifts to buy this year”

The words sounded sih, but Cassidy heard uneasiness in his voice Al terribly i to see how she would respond

She s withit can take a ht one”

Smiles and chuckles all around

“Jared Blaed and I could use some exercise, so we’ll walk over with you,” Ranon said casually

You need some what?Cassidy almost blurted out Then she realized it wasn’t casual at all, and felt insulted on behalf of the ood faith

She rounded on Ranon “I’m sure Prince Ferall and Prince Hikaeda don’t need your escort for a little shopping”

“In point of fact, Lady, we do,” Hikaeda said

She turned back to her guests, surprised to hear Hikaeda defend Ranon

“When a Warlord Prince coe, it ood reason to be nervous We are e are, Lady Cassidy Predators Killers”

“It’s custoive a Warlord Prince a local escort,” Hikaeda said “It tells the people he isn’t there to hunt Makes it easier for everyone”

“I see” Was that true in Kaeleer as well? She didn’t re escort to a Warlord Prince when one of them came to Bhak Maybe she could ask her cousin Aaron if this was typical of all courts or just a Territory Queen’s “In that case, I apologize for snapping at you, Ranon”

They all looked surprised that she would apologize at all, let alone in public

Suddenly she wanted theet a cup of spiced tea and think about all the undercurrents and unspoken es that had filled this room in the past few minutes

“You ht want to stop at Whistler’s Tavern at so steak pie along with some traditional Winsol dishes”

Gray glanced at the other men “I think we’ll do that”

“Gentlemen” She tipped her head, a small courtesy bow to indicate respect “Happy Winsol”

She walked back to the kitchen and found Shira and Reyhana sitting at the table with Devra and Maydra All of them had cups of coffee, and there were two cookies left on a plate