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“We saved these two for you,” Shira said

Cassidy took one and chewed slowly “Maydra, could you make another batch of these?”

“We’ve hter,” Devra said

“I’d like to send theift,” Cassidy said

Maydra nodded “We’ve got enough ingredients for one ht Didn’tthis afternoon”

“Gray and Ranon are dining out with Ferall and Hikaeda,” Cassidy said “And Powell is out this evening”

“Your father is going to eat with his apprentices so they can keep working for a few hours longer,” Devra said “Since it’s just the woht, there’s no reason we can’t cook as we please”

Cassidy took the last cookie “That’s settled then”

“A ith you, Cassie?” Talon asked

Cassidy turned away fro room “Of course”

They went into the parlor Now that they had privacy, he didn’t seeer to speak

“You’ve got your family here for Winsol,” he finally said

She nodded “My brother Clayton is co tomorrow to be with us”

“You still have half the court here, so you’ll be looked after”

He was tiptoeing around so “Talon, it’s Winsol The next few days are social and fun I don’t need looking after”

“There are soone for a few days Thing is, the uarded, so there are still ue camps Some of them are there because they see that as their duty to Queen and land Some of them are there because they’d seen too much when the twisted Queens ruled here, and they haven’t found the courage yet to coes”

“Oh, Talon” Cassidy’s eyes filled with tears

“Now, don’t be doing that, Cassie Don’t It’s not as bad as you’re thinking And it’s better this year than it’s been in a long ti is, I trained a lot of those boys, so I’ve always made it a point to spend a little time in each of those camps around Winsol Eve and Winsol”

“Then you should do that” Cassidy blinked away the tears “Why didn’t you tellfor them”

“It’s been done First Circle took care of it Guess we should have told you, but you were already doing plenty” Talon smiled “Gray made up a bundle of books for each cahts Got new blankets and other supplies to pass out Got baked goods and casseroles, fruits and coffee Got a bit of a feast for each ca some of their own; this will add to it”

“I’lad Do you kno many men are still up there?”

Talon shook his head “Soes for a while, then went back into the mountains I’ll have a better idea once I’ve seen the camps”

“You’ll leave tomorrow?”

“As soon as the sun sets”

“Powell is out this evening, so I’ll talk to hi and see what can be spared froes”

“Wages? For what?”

Cassidy lifted her chin “You said they’re guarding the passes for Queen and land To me that sounds like they work for the court And if they work for the court, they get paid by the court”

“Cassie, that’s not why I told you”

“I know that, Talon It doesn’t make it any less true If this is the work they do, they will be paid We ive them what they deserve—not yet, anyway—but those ed”