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Saetan Daemon SaDiablo, forh Lord of Hell, set aside the current stack of books he was sorting in the restricted part of the Keep’s library, leaned against the large blackwood table, and watched the son as a mirror prowl restlessly around the room

Not physically a old eyes—although his hair now held wings of silver at the te-lived races, but Daeolden brown—more Dhemlan than Hayllian in color

He had always been considered handsome Daemon, on the other hand, was beautiful and race that drew the eye and aroused the senses

The foolish lusted after that body, forgetting that the man inside the skin was a powerful predator with a cold, killing temper

Which made him wonder about the reason for this visit

“You’re here early,” Saetan said

“Went to sleep early, got up early,” Daemon replied

Back and forth Ceaseless movement If it was Lucivar, he wouldn’t think twice about the prowl But Daemon?

Dae and stared at the wall “I think there’s so with me”

Fear clamped around Saetan’s heart, but he asked calmly, “In ay?”

A feeeks ago, Theran Grayhaven came to Kaeleer and asked Daemon for help Disturbed by the physical resemblance between Theran and his old friend Jared, Dae the past with the present No one had known there were deep emotional scars connected to the years after Daeuards No one had suspected there was anything wrong—until Daemon attacked Jaenelle

Since that night, Daemon was quick to hone his temper when anyone questioned his mental or emotional stability, so the subject had to be approached with caution

He understood that When the witch Vulchera had tried to co her particular brand of black had snapped inside ofhie had found an insane and terrible clarity It wasn’t the snap and slide that had disturbed the family; it was the deliberate way he had executed the bitch that had scared them

So the whole fa into rut so soon after didn’t help

“In ay?” he asked again

Daemon turned to face him “I’m only seventeen hundred years old I’ve beenin me—a woman I’ve waitedcenturies to be with So when that woman indicates she wants toasleep between the thought and the deed!”

Relief made Saetan’s knees weak—and he needed every drop of his fifty thousand years of self-discipline and control to keep a straight face

“Lucivar is in rut,” he said

“I know that,” Dae as if he’d like to whack his brother’s head against a wall a few times because of it

“Who is looking after Daemonar?”

Daeht you knew that”

“I’ after him?”

Daeht fronificant movement—except thatDaen of uncertainty

“I am, for the most part Well, Hell’s fire, Jaenelle can’t hold the leash on that little beast”

Of course she could,Saetan thought Even nohen she no longer had the abundance of physical energy she used to have, Jaenelle was probably one of the few people whocould keep up with a small Eyrien boy Not to mention that Daemonar loved his Auntie J, sensed on soh play, and now had his young Warlord Prince instincts tugging at him to protect the Queen

“Holt is also taking shifts watching the boy,” Daemon added