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“Just relax,” Jaenelle said “I’m almost done By tomorrow you’ll be your usual wonderful self, and if you can reet through the last day of your nephew’s visit without doing any e to yourself”
Her hands glided over his back, more a caress than a Healer’s touch
“You’re not relaxing,” she said
“I’m very relaxed,” Daeh that he hadn’t focused on anything besides not hurting Noare of a few other things
“No, you’re not”
He heard the concern in her voice Thatat him as a Healer and not a woman—and he wanted the woman’s attention
“Sweetheart, you’re sitting onand don’t want to relax yet”
“I a you to work on your back”
“You’re close enough that I can tell you’re not wearing anything under that shift, so I call that sitting”
“And you can tell what I’ because?”
“When you brush against me, it tickles”
A too-thoughtful pause “You’re awfully sassy all of a sudden”
“Blame it on my beautiful wife”
“Boyo, I don’t think your back will take what you have in mind”
“Then I’ll just roll over Since you’re already straddling ive us both a ride”
She snorted out a laugh “You’re such a romantic when you’re exhausted, but I’ll take you up on your offer Just to help you relax completely, of course”
“Of course”
“Hold still for another minute”
Her hands glided over his back, the warm, sensuous caress of a lover
Jaenelle Angelline The living myth Dreams made flesh The fored-for wife
In another minute he would roll over and touch her body He would use a psychic thread to link with her,withher in ways he had never touched another woman
He could picture her fair-skinned hands gliding over his golden brown chest as she sheathed him in silky fire
In just another min