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Jack set the brush down and turned carefully to face her “Rachel”

She pushed up his sunglasses to reveal his eyes They were completely shuttered “What was the phone call about?”

“Nothing you should have to worry over”

“Bullshit Whatever was said to you has you pulling back Since I’ back from, I deserve to knohy”

Exhaling harshly, he pulled off his sunglasses and hung theuys on the team had a scare today”

Rachel listened to his voice as he told her what happened It was tight and clipped, his jaw taut So now and that was hurting Jack

“You know you can talk to ly across his nape “The good, the bad, and the ugly It helps to get it out”

“I don’t want you involved in stuff like this”

“I’m already involved”

“You don’t need this crap in your life,” he said harshly “Riley doesn’t need it”

“We need you,” she retorted, “and you and the job are a package deal”

“You’ve got aze was stormy “I’ll always be here for you, just as I’ve always been We just need to keep things simple”

That was ridiculous What they had was totally co his circle of friends s her in probably scared the shit out of hinize Because then he could lose her, one way or the other

He was going to figure out, real quick, that she had absolutely no intention of getting lost


“Simple, huh?” Rachel backed away from him and headed into the house She needed a beer Maybe two “As si in the same town?”

Jack followed her “As siht”

She wondered if he heard how gruff he sounded, how defensive

Reaching the fridge, she pulled out two beers and set one down in front of him They faced each other across her kitchen counter with equally wary and exalances

“You don’t get to make that decision by yourself, Jack” She twisted off the top of her beer and took a swig

His gaze narrowed He had his gaerous and inscrutable “I’ll make the decision if it keeps you safe”

“I think the person you’re trying to save is yourself” She pointed at him with the neck of her bottle “I scare you”

“Thinking of so to you scaresher as he sed

“So, you ride off into the sunset, and I’as station Or robbed at the store”

“Not the saued “The level of inherent risk with her”

“Shouldn’t I behome than the reverse?”

“I knohat I’n up for this” Jack ran his hand through his hair “The last thing I want to do is bring more traumas to your life You and Riley need someone who comes home every day Someone who leaves their work at the office Someone—”

“Like Steve?” she interjected “A guy who never had a uy who never drove without his seat belt on Who would have thought he’d die in a car wreck? No one Terrible things happen to unsuspecting people every day It’s part of living, Jack There’s no way to go through life risk-free”

“I’ the shit from my job to your doorstep Period”