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Jack paid attention to her and the things she liked in ways she hadn’t fully appreciated until Steve was gone The flowers he sent weekly were either calla lilies, stargazer lilies, or tulips—her favorites How did he know that? Perhaps Steve mentioned it But her favorite Luzianne chicory coffee, which had to be ordered? Or her favorite hand cream, Japanese Cherry Blossom Shea Cashmere, the smell of which was usually hidden by her perfume? Even Steve, the one person who’d known her better than anyone, couldn’t remember that

Maybe Jack’s attention to detail was just part of who he was and the job he did After all, the US Marshals Service was responsible for the Witness Security Progras he’d pick up on anyone, part of the process of wiping a person’s identity and erasing identifying habits Butmore personal was involved She hoped so, because she’d started falling in love with hiifts and how theyshe loved denigrated and belittled by her aunt until she didn’t enjoy anything at all, Jack had taught her to celebrate the things that made her happy

Sht, she bent down and picked up after hi them out to the hamper in the bedroom It wasn’t a task she was particularly fond of usually, but she was beginning to think Jack could use a little looking after Besides, he’dto trade quite a bit for the pleasure of waking up to freshly brewed coffee

“Would you totally gross out,” she asked, returning to the bathroom, “if I use your toothbrush?”

“Go for it”

Rachel was rinsing her htening, she turned and faced him, deter wet and gorgeously naked Jack appeared, and she gave an appreciative whistle He was perfectly sculpted froe in the middle, impressive even while seet used to this

His mouth twitched with suppressed a on the wall He’d shaved and looked less rogue warrior and more GQ cover model She loved both looks on him

“Wait” She stepped closer, licking her lower lip

Jack’s eyes filled with a heat that made her flush His arm dropped back to his side “I’m all yours”

JACK held his position despite the seeence

As if Rachel sensed his wariness, she’d brought hie eyes with an insulated bottle cozy He didn’t touch it, knowing from experience that it was best to stay razor sharp when surrounded by unknowns

Froht-year-olds running around the patio of Rachel’s small two-story condominium It was a madhouse, but he didn’t feel as out of place as he’d expected he would That was certainly because of Rachel, who s him


He turned his head and smiled down at Riley, who looked sosloe eyes and cheerful grin, the sa fun?”

“Totally I have a question”


“My Aunt Stella says you like my mom”

He glanced at the picnic table, where athered “I do”

“Like her like a girlfriend You know, kissing and stuff”

“Oh?” Jack focused on the burgers and hot dogs grilling in front of him

“She says guys only pay attention to what kind of coffee creairlfriend”

Not knowing how to reply, Jack just nodded slowly and shot another glance at Rachel She was talking about hi in his favor

“So it’s true?” Riley pressed “Is irlfriend?”

“Uh” Jack blew out his breath “Hoould you feel about that? Is that bugging you?”

“No Will you be co around more? I think you should come around more”

“I’ on that I’d like to spend s your dad and I used to do together—fishing, golfing, taking some Sea-Doos out to HavasuI think you’ll enjoy those sas”

“Sea-Doos?” Riley’s dark eyes lit up “Really? That would be so cool!”

“We’ll have to make plans, then”

Riley ran off, shouting at his friends, but skid to a halt a few feet away and cae whisper “She says if mom doesn’t snatch you up, she will She’s cool, butwell”