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We more or less chatted about love and sex It esoirlie secrets with sos fro to take home to Nix
But as soon as Emily left and I closed my apartment door, it struck me what I needed to do
Two very iet Linc back
First, I still had an article to write In fact, my deadline was this weekend, and Mr Selly was anxiously awaiting the draft He warned h he didn't seehtnow that he'd been traded to Phoenix
Linc still had his die-hard supporters here in New York, but the paper didn't owe any sporting allegiance to him now
It didn'tto write the truth I was going to let all of New York know exactly what the last six weeks have been like between me and Linc
SecondI had a trip to make A trip down south to see my father
After those two things were accoive me when he sa I really felt
"You're father says you can go right in, Miss Mongtomery"
The receptionist atfirm points me down the hall to my dad's office I haven't been here sincewell, since I was sixteen The receptionist is new but the office still looks the same
My dad is the senior partner at Montgo fir here with hih I never hadto me
Not so much anymore, but here I am
When I had approached the reception desk and told the woomery, and that I would like to speak toof Christ Clearly, ht I was a figination by the look on her face
It only took a few seconds for her to buzz his office, and he had apparently told her to send ht back
Walking to his office, it's hard to describe how I feel I' been the one to shun all contact with my dad the last five years, it just feels extremely odd for ht he would turn uilty I suppose after the frozen shoulder I've given him, there must have been a part of ht now
When I get to his office, he is standing in the dooraiting forin my presence The look in his eyes is one of unfettered love and hope It makes me uneasy, because I have no clue how to deal with love from this man
But make no mistake, I someho that whatever happens here today, it will have a direct bearing on my ability to move forith Linc
"Ever" He only says
"Got a minute to talk?"
"Always Come on in"
He ushers me into his office and it's still as I reht oak and the walls are wall-papered with a dark, green pattern thatbeside his desk and the floor to ceiling s afford a look over don Raleigh
I take a seat in a chair opposite of his desk and he surprises me when he takes the one beside me
"I'lad you came," he says
I fuaze on theht at this ht now if he could see me
I make no pretense at small talk and raise ive you?"
He blinks in surprise, but then his eyes soften "Because I'th to deserve you and your est mistake of my life And the only one that can ive me"
"But there's nothing you can say to excuse what you did"