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backward, our kiss deepening as she unfastens hs

We’re all over the place, desperation getting the better of us, a th fro heavily Her unsure brown eyes soon pro aze Until I’m naked

“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” she whispers

“Yes it was,” I counter, picking her up and taking her to my chair “What else did you think would happen if you cae her onto my lap

“I don’t know Maybe you’d wrap me in chains and be all cold with me”

I can’t help it I sht have wrapped her in chains, but there was nothing cold about it “Don’t think I won’t do that to you again Up” She rises on her knees, looking down between us as I take uide it to her hungry pussy “But for now I’ both of our breaths in the process My h is peaceful

Eyes fixed on es her pal in a sharp hit of air as she does My head falls back, but I keep her in view, bloay by the yearning on her face, her breasts beginning to bob as she works up her pace I takethe pleasure clai us up slowly but steadily So da her rhyth She lowers toward me, ready to kiss me, but stops when I shake ive up, even for her mouth

I reach the edge,to flex upward into her, and her breath stutters, her hands starting to claw at o heavy, rolling on her neck “There it is” A rush of blood whips through me, and I brace myself for the hit

Her ragged exhale signals her cli at Raya as we fight through the pleasure

She gasps, falling into my chest, the naturalperfect I rest my mouth on her neck and circle hs and burrows deeper into ood

“Getting attached to someone wasn’t in my plan, Drew,” she murmurs, quiet and tentative “Especially an olderwomen up in chains You were supposed to be cold and emotionless”

“I tried,” I admit But Raya has a power over me that’s dictated a war between my sensible head and my closed heart “And so were you,” I point out “Seems we both failed Why d’you think that is?”

“You always find so for it”

She isn’t wrong I nuzzle her fro that a shimmer in her eyes Except this ti attached to me? Jesus, can ato the other side of the world, Raya”

I see utter confusion past her watery eyes A struggle that I can relate to “I know And I’m mad to question my decision”

“Why?” I ask, trying to buy soure out some of the shit in my head

“Because if you don’t have anyone, you can’t lose anyone”

I sag where I sit, my head about to explode She could be more scared than I am And I don’t knohat to do to reassure her, especially since I’ to reassure myself

My phone chi up Raya turns and looks down at the screen, as do I Georgia’s nalows up at us

Can’t wait to see you x

Oh fuck It’s like the worst ti ever I look at Raya, frozen She stares at oes black She thinks irl is soht now, I could be strapped to a rotating wheel, a knife throith a terrible ai blades at me And every one of the fuckers hits me Bam, bam, bam!

Raya laughs a little under her breath, lightly shaking her head, as if co to her senses She takes a breath and starts to break away fro apart “Take care, Drew”

Take care It’s so final She’s ad defeat

“No” I seize her, pinning her to o

Though she fights me with all she has “Get off, Drew I’ve been ain I can’t sustain any more hurt It’ll break me”

That fucking kills “Raya, it’s not like that”

She laughs “Ohto escape and drops her head to ? You must think I’m so naive”

Rightly or wrongly, I take offense I close ather soia isn’t who she thinks she is, yet I don’t even knohere to start that conversation I’ it at all, because then ill that mean for our future?

“I don’t think you’re naive It’s just a friend” I breathe the words, desperate to reassure her, since I know trust is a major issue for her It’s a little backward to say the least, since I’ia really isn’t who she thinks she is

“A friend?” I see hope in her eyes again

“A friend,” I confir I’ve never asked a woman before in my life “Have dinner with me this weekend” Between now and then, I need to find a way to tell her everything That I’m a dad, about Coral, and the history


“Yes, dinner,” I confirm “It strikes me as unusual that we’ve fucked plenty of times, but we’ve never actually had dinner”

She pulls back, getting hts Her suppressed s me “It strikes you as unusual?”

I have never, not once, blushed in ht now, I have forty years’ worth of theh “Will you have dinner with me or not?”

“I’ my reaction I’m pretty sure I don’t disappoint her

My gawkaround

“The house is sold, and my solicitor will take care of the final details” Her eyes drop down tohere for me anymore,” she says quietly

“What if there was?” The words are out before I can’t think better of it, and her gaze darts back up to mine

“Are you telling o?”

I sag beneath her, so fucking exhausted by all this “I don’t know, Raya I honestly don’t know”

“I could delay“You know, so we can have dinner”

Life puain That would be perfect No pressure I’ll tell her about Georgia, and we’ll go from there “You’d do that?”

“Sure Changing a flight isn’t too hard” She s passes between us Maybe understanding But it’s tarnished somewhat on my part, because while I have all the facts, Raya does not But she will soon I yank her back down to me and lose myself once more

Hopefully not for the last time

Chapter 10

Have you slept?” Coral asks, taking in my untrimmed stubble, my crumpled clothes, and my bloodshot eyes I know I look a state, and for once in ive a shit No, I haven’t slept After I took Raya ho to tell her abouton in my head to care much for my appearance So my answer to Coral’s questio

n is a scowl She has a torapped around her wet hair, a se between her breasts appears strategic It does nothing for me

I take Georgia’s hand and walk us down to the car “Daddy, are you sick?” Her concerned face looks up at tails wonky

“I have a headache,” I admit “But do you knoill hten her hair ties


I crouch before her “Ice cream in the park”

“Yay!” She squeals and launches herself at me, so I’m forced to place a hand on the concrete behind s?”

“Sure we can” I lift her and walk around to the other side, getting her in the car “You can push les when I tickle her belly

My idea of an outing in the park wasn’t entirely for Georgia’s benefit I desperately need the fresh air to clearhead

“You okay, Dad?”