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The lion who
The lion, who paced back and forth while sizing her up as if trying to decide what kind of sauce he wanted her served with Kylie didn&039;t, couldn&039;t, look away fro didn&039;t work Got any other ideas?"
"Stay cal angry Hungry
"That&039;s kind of hard to do" She shivered, both fro open her rib cage
"He&039;s waiting for you to run If you stay calive us some time"
"Time to do what?" she asked The lion dropped down on the floor and started cleaning his paws Was he washing up before dinner?
"Ti her own teeth chatter, she glanced over at the ghost "Can&039;t youone" Sincerity added deepness to his voice In spite of her panic, soain As if she knew him, or maybe as if she should know hi, but couldn&039;t
"Daniel Brighten," he said
She let the na to find a connection Nothing clicked Blinking, sheas a strand of his blond hair fel across his brow "Why?" she asked "Why are you fol owing me around? Is it about how you died?"
"No," he said "I needed you to know that I didn&039;t have a choice"
Why did he need aze from him to the lion every other second "Do I need to tel so that woman?"
The lion stood back up and Kylie&039;s breath caught She looked around for sohost said
"Don&039;t do what?"
"Don&039;t grab the chair"
She gazed back to hi at it"
"I&039;rab it, the lion ht feel threatened"
"Yeah, wel , I&039; threatened, too The beast is supposed to be next door at the refuge, not inher that the aniry at her now? "How did it even get here?"
"I don&039;t know, but let&039;s worry about that later"
A deep rumble sounded from the lion&039;s chest Kylie wasn&039;t sure if that was his angry noise, but from where she stood it sure as hel was his scary noise
"Don&039;t panic, Kylie He can sht, Kylie decided Anis like fear She inhaled slowly Think about so else Her ain
"Is Nana, randmother, in heaven?"
"Of course she is"
"If you can visit me, why hasn&039;t she?" The stea
"I was here first"
"Where were you first?" Her teeth chattered again
"Waiting until you were old enough to understand They only al ow one spirit to come to you at a ti" She looked back at the lion
"Wrong about what?"
"I&039;m not ready to cope yet"
He smiled
Kylie hadn&039;t meant it to be funny "So you&039;ve actual y seen Nana?" New goose buoose buhost left, but the idea of being alone with the lion didn&039;t thril her
"She is not a woman who can be missed," he said "Not even in spirit form"
Curiosity struck "Did you o" His light blue eyes, combined with his blond hair, pul ed her in for a second She studied him And then it happened She saw inside his head She was doing what al the other supernaturals could do Seeing his pattern A tiny thril ran through her Blinking, she continued to look at his pattern He had vertical lines and then so, like Chinese, or prehistoric symbols "You arewere supernatural, weren&039;t you?"
The lion let go of another roar Kylie flinched as the beast stood "I think he&039;s hungry," she said "I think I should get the chair now, don&039;t you?"
The ghost didn&039;t answer Kylie noticed the te eaten alive Only he couldn&039;t be since he was already dead
Just as shequick
Tears fil ed her eyes She was alone Al alone And then the lion tossed his head back and forth and lunged at her